Out of this World : Grades 2-5

We will harness the power of creativity and imagination to conjure our own extraordinary worlds, meticulously crafting the appearance and breathing vibrant life into our imaginative creations!

When: Saturdays, September 21th-November 2nd 9:00-10:30 (no classes October 19th or 26th)

Fees: $120

Nailing the Audition: Grades 6-8

Learn how to nail that audition and get the role. From cold reads to monologues and everything in between, learn the tips and tricks and skills needed for a successful audition. 

When: Saturdays, September 21th-November 2nd 10:45-12:15 (no classes October 19th or 26th)

Fee: $120

Staged Storybooks :Ages 4-7

Embark on a wondrous journey of storytelling as you immerse yourself in your favorite ‘spooky’ storybooks and bring their enchanting characters to the stage. Encouraging theatre exploration and imaginative play, this experience fosters self-expression, encourages collaboration, and nurtures creativity, all while having fun!

When: Saturdays, September 21th-November 2nd 9:00-10:30 (no classes October 19th or 26th)

Fee: $120

Into to Physical Theatre: Grades 6-12

If a picture says a thousand words, a moving picture says even more. Physical theatre lies at the forefront of modern theatrical innovation, producing poignant performances while promoting unity and trust among artists. This workshop focuses on the development of performative skills through play, body communication, and movement. Using a variety of techniques, participants will train their perception, expression, and connection with themselves, their partners, the group, and the space. 

When: October 17-19 9:00-4:00pm

Fee: $180

Magic Tree House: Grades 1-5

Come with Jack and Annie to the famous tree house where you will be able to make your own adventure. Students will learn story structure, character building and acting skills to create their very own Magic Treehouse play. 

When: October 17-19 9:00-4:00pm

Fee: $180

Locally Grown Theatre believes in making theatre accessible for all. If Finances are stopping you or your student from participating please reach out to us at education.director@locallygrowntheatre.org

“This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.”